Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Changing location

The moment of change is the only poem. – Adrienne Rich

After living in Oklahoma for twenty-six years I moved to North Carolina, I was compelled to find new paths to roam.  Gone were the familiar trails of Oxley Nature Center and the friends who often accompanied me in awe and exploration – those paths have been replaced by the steeply winding trails that are nearly solid with tangled roots from familiar (but much taller) trees.  At first, my walks were solitary, but not lonely, the mystical music of Karunesh bathed my thoughts with serenity and enhanced the truth of fresh air and autonomy often found in solitary exploration - I could smile.  Soon, I joined Meet Up hiking groups and found my walks in nature enhanced by introductions to new people, ideas, and trails. 

The best poems express experiences, philosophies, and passions. Poems are brief, compared to other forms of prose, as are most walks in nature, compared a typical work day.  Poetry becomes enchanting when it is understood and transition becomes joy when it is accepted. 

Sometimes I cannot resist stretching out my arms, lifting my face to the sky, and spinning around in  the ecstasy that comes from embracing change.

When was the last time you indulged yourself in a joyful spin ?

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