Saturday, January 28, 2017

Inspiration from Amber

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do… 
Explore.      Dream.      Discover.       -Mark Twain

I found myself fidgeting with my golden hued amber ring as I was walking this morning. The fossilized resin stone caught the sunlight and gave me a feeling of incredible balance. It was as if I were transported into the intangible realm of dreams that was at once calming and energizing.  Amber is warm and earthy – in nature it has a rich honey-like scent that has been replicated in oils and perfumes.
It is not surprising that my amber ring would inspire a grounding imagination - considering its origin.  It is a tree resin, not a precious stone.  It serves to protect the sap (the fluid that circulates through a vascular system of a plant to nourish it) from disease and injury perpetrated by fungi, insects, and external injuries (like broken branches). In mature trees, the resin may ooze from vertical fissures in the bark due to tension produced by rapid growth. Indirectly, the amber is reminisce of the healing balms available to us in the form of beautiful sights, healing touches, and encouraging words when our lives are perpetrated by unwelcome changes. Knowing we have these systems of healing, what is preventing us from exploring, dreaming, and discovering?
Mark Twain’s home spun wisdom and amber native strength – together provide me inspiration to walk a sunny and healthy path. What inspires you today?

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